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Are you worried that your baby is 16-months-old but did not take his or her first step? Does your baby look smaller than his or her age? How do you know when you should consult a doctor if your kid is not yet speaking?

The time each baby reaches the milestones is unique. It may be different for your baby and your relative’s baby though both of them are of same age. Do not panic! If your baby has not yet reached the milestone.

Cognitive milestones for your kid1
  • Your baby can recognize your loud, high-pitched voice.
  • Your baby is not afraid of strangers.
  • If you move toys, your baby will follow the movement.
  • Your baby tries to act bored.
  • Your baby tries to imitate you.
  • By now your baby might reach, grab, hold, and put the objects close to the mouth.
  • Your baby passes things from one hand to the other.
  • At this age, the ability to recognize develops. You can sit along with your baby in front of the mirror.
  • You would be surprised to see that your baby can recognize you.
  • Your baby can recognize his or her name.
  • Your baby starts to behave weird with strangers.
  • Your baby can remember something you did yesterday and tries to imitate it today.
  • Your baby tries to do all naughty stuff by dropping his or her toys from the bed or chair.
  • Your baby starts banging two things together and pokes with an index finger.
  • Your baby cannot recognize his or her reflections in the mirror but, he or she can recognize you even without looking at you.
  • You can recognize few meaningful words in your baby’s speech.
  • Your baby will follow simple instructions.
  • If you hide something intentionally, your baby will reach for it.
  • Your kid will communicate through actions and words.
  • Your kid’s memory has improved, and he or she can imitate any actions that you did a week ago.
  • Your kid scribbles on the paper and can pinpoint body parts or objects if you say the name.
  • Your kid can now speak in few words that make sense.
  • The ability to solve a problem develops. Your baby adapts trial and error methods to solve a puzzle.
  • Your baby will not be keen to play with his or her peers and will snatch toys from peers.
  • Your baby can build towers up to 6 or more blocks. Can now screw and unscrew bottle caps.
  • Name familiar colors correctly.
  • Remember parts of a story.
  • Has a better understanding of different times of the day.
  • Has clear concepts of counting.
  • Identify familiar pictures and objects.
Your child understands the world better every day and you understand your child a bit more each day. You are the best to guide your kid through the development of learning and thinking skills, and being aware of these check points in their growth will only help you in the process.

Delayed Development in Kids


What is a developmental delay??

If your baby has not yet reached the milestone several months after crossing the exact age to attain that milestone (or) If your baby is continuously late in reaching the milestones, your baby has serious “developmental delay”. Developmental delay can be noticed as defects in motor skills, learning, thinking, and speaking.

  • Your 3-4 month old baby does not respond to loud noises, does not babble, or does not try to imitate sounds
  • Your 7 month old baby does not respond to sounds
  • Your 1 yr old baby is not using words that make single sounds
  • Your 2 yr old baby cannot spell 15 words, cannot use two word phrases
Delay in development of speech and language

It is one of the most common developmental delay seen in the toddlers. Expressing your feelings in the words is speech. Language is the channel for communicating the speech.

  • Impaired hearing due to infections of middle ear
  • Impaired learning skills
  • Impaired muscles responsible for speech
  • Impaired communication and social development of speech
  • Exposure to more than one language

You need to be extra careful in recognizing the signs of developmental delay. The early you detect a cause, the early it can be rectified.

  • Doctor will treat if any middle ear infections are present
  • You should keep reading
  • You should communicate more with your baby. Keep singing, talking, and ask them to repeat the same
Warning signs

Go and seek your doctor’s advice if:

  • Your 3-4 month old baby does not respond to loud noises, does not babble, or does not try to imitate sounds
  • Your 7 month old baby does not respond to sounds
  • Your 1 yr old baby is not using words that make single sounds
  • Your 2 yr old baby cannot spell 15 words, cannot use two word phrases
Development of vision

You need to be extra careful in recognizing the signs of developmental delay. The early you detect a cause, the early it can be rectified.

  • Impaired hearing due to infections of middle ear
  • Impaired learning skills
  • Impaired muscles responsible for speech
  • Impaired communication and social development of speech
  • Exposure to more than one language

You need to be extra careful in recognizing the signs of developmental delay. The early you detect a cause, the early it can be rectified.

  • Impaired hearing due to infections of middle ear
  • Impaired learning skills
  • Impaired muscles responsible for speech
  • Impaired communication and social development of speech
  • Exposure to more than one language

How can you help your child cope up with the delay in the growth and development?

Have you noticed that your kid is little late in reaching the developmental milestones? Are you worried? Simple daily activities and playing can pace up your child’s growth and development.

From birth to 6 months

Rattles may be the first toy you would like to introduce in your baby’s play. Rattle toys make typical loud sounds when you shake them. The baby moves the eyes in whichever direction you make the sounds. Furthermore, your baby becomes fascinated with these sounds and tries to reach and grab the rattle toys. This helps to improve the baby’s vision, cognitive skill development. More over these rattle toys come in many colours that help to develop the concept of colours.

Some of the rattle toys are used as teethers. These teethers are used as supporting devices during the teeth eruption. They feel comfortable when they chew on a hard textured surface.

From 6 months to 1yr

As your baby grows old, you can introduce building blocks or stack rings that come in different colours. They help to improve the concepts of colour, sizes, and shapes. They mark the development of eye-hand coordination along with the improvement in the finger grasping and motor skills.

Shape sorting toys are also a good choice to improve thinking, learning, reasoning, and puzzle solving abilities. It helps your kid to develop coordination between the eyes and the fingers.

Some of these toys come with a string that helps to pull the toys. It encourages your kids to learn to walk as early as possible.

Above 1 yr

Now you can try different types of musical toys that improve your kid’s ability of grasping and strength, i.e., fine and gross motor skill development. Give encouragement to develop the skills of role playing, cause and effect.